Wednesday, December 22, 2010

To give you momentum for the New Year

If you've been reading my blog you've heard me talk about my career change from ad sales to teaching.  Ever been in a crossroads in your life?  When you are halted by fear of the unknown or scared of making that change?  The event in my life that finally tipped the scale to make a career change was attending a Tony Robbins' seminar over six years ago.  The weekend was such an amazing opportunity to reflect within myself on my life, what was really important to me and what I wanted to do with it. 

THE BIG TAKE AWAY: Tony Robbins talks about momentum - that thing that gives you energy to push forward.  I often crave momentum, especially when life gets you so run down.  The beautiful thing about December, more than all the gifts and holiday cheer, is how the holidays leads right into the new year.  It's a perfect time to reflect.  (and that's a big part of what this blog is all about - because without reflection how do we grow, motivate and inspire to do better and be better.)

Check out this video from Tony Robbins.  To give you the gift of momentum, I challenge you to join me on Friday.  Put yourself in a coffee shop, carve out an hour...half hour or even fifteen minutes.  Take a laptop, ipad,  pad of paper or a good old fashion journal.  Wear your headphones and just sit and write. 
Don't think - just write.  Here's three questions Tony suggests you ask yourself:

Write down all the big moments but the little moments too.  Make it happen by looking back in your calender to see what you did, take a look at pictures or talk with your partner to brainstorm.  Don't have time to sit at a coffee shop, sit down with your kids and brainstorm together - make a family art project out of it - frame it.

Make sure to answer question #1 first.  Build yourself up with the positive.  Don't beat yourself up but really reflect.  This didn't work...but I learned XYZ from this.  Tony says, "Get the lesson."  (Love this - from a teacher what a perfect way to say learn from life.)

Tony says to take out your tools in your toolbox and make it happen!  Make a decision and make a change.  This is my favorite part - you get so built up and the energy is flowing from questions #1 & #2 - so go ahead - set some goals! 

TAKE ACTION: Make a ritual. 
Tony says rituals make it real.  Get in a routine.  When you get so determined to set a goal, think about how you can get there.  Get into a great practice (I love the word practice because it reminds me of people that establish a practice in things like yoga or meditation - what great examples of a ritual that helps you reflect and grow as a person.) Tony gives a suggestion for connecting during the morning in what he calls the "hour of power." You can get a free download of it on his website.  Personally, I'm really going to try and put aside 20 minutes for myself everyday to reflect and to create my life.   What rituals are you going to do to make your life happen?

So join me on Friday or any other day from now until New Years and ask yourself three simple questions.  Let's reflect - grow - motivate - and inspire!  Comment on my blog and let me know how it goes.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Our Choir Director at school passed along this very cool Youtube:   This is the recent "Random Act of Culture" where members of the Philadelphia Opera Company sang the "Hallelujah Chorus" in a Macy's department store.  Check out the expression on people's faces when they see this surprising and beautiful moment.  It's inspirational and heart warming - perfect for this holiday season.  Enjoy.