My management class launched a student-run business this semester. And since this is my first semester teaching the class I'm kindda learning as I go and trying to make improvements along the way. It's a really small class of only 10 students and when I told them of the class business they were very skeptical. In fact, I had two students drop the class. But 10 stuck with me - thank goodness. I've given a lot of opportunities in class discussions for the students to give input to what would motivate them. Unfortunately, we never got anywhere - I got the typical responses - no tests, no final exam, we want to earn money - we don't want to do anything or should I say - "we want to do as little as possible for the biggest rewards." So I could go on in more detail but the first month was a struggle getting the students motivated. We had a sales goal - they reached and they were proud of themselves - and I think they saw results! They felt success! AND THEN WE TOOK A STEP FORWARD.
So here we are at almost the end of month two and I met with my class today and for the first time saw great energy in the room - motivation! This month we set up a to-do list on a google doc. Its really helped to make the students accountable and make them see how everyone plays a part in accomplishing a goal.
Ok - so what's the step back you ask? Feedback is sometimes discouraging except feedback is so important to improve your practice - so I continue to do it. My management students just finished reading Sean Covey's Habits of Highly Effective Teens. On their test I asked for their thoughts on the book and the way in which it was taught. Many students liked it a lot and plan to incorporate things they learned into their lives - WIN! Two students felt that the book didn't teach them anything they didn't already know - and they are not fans of self-help books. And I think a little part of me was disappointed in this. Sure, the concepts in the book isn't rocket science or it isn't a new discovery of an invention but you know - its about improving ourselves, seeing our strengths and weaknesses and growing. To turn this into another WIN I plan on telling reflecting with them - while they don't think they learned anything new - it gave them time to think about themselves and sometimes we don't do that enough. I think that is a WIN for sure.
- Seeing success once helps you reach for it again.
- Taking a step back only helps us move forward
- Instead of thinking of the ones you can't reach, think of the ones you did.