Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Why I'm Starting This Blog

There’s times in my life when I look around and need just to take a deep breath of fresh air and take a moment. The moment is for me and not anyone else. It is that moment when I thought to myself that there has to be something more! Life can be bigger, better, richer (and I don’t mean about money). Often I’ve felt that my life was meant for big meaning and my hope is that one day I’ll find out what that big thing, the reason for my life is all about. I’m not sure if that sounds weird but I just feel like I’m here for a purpose. And some might say, “But aren’t we all?” Well, yes, and I guess that’s just part of my belief system. But deep down in my gut I believe that my job is to inspire.

So a few years ago I sat at my favorite coffee shop in Chicago, Dallop, and I listened to music as I started to think about the new year by using a worksheet from Tony Robbins. This worksheet was to give me “momentum” for the upcoming year. Momentum is a huge word I learned from Tony Robbins, a Coach and Internationally known motivational speaker. Still to this day when I hear Momentum I feel the push to move forward.

So tonight, after a long frustrating day teaching, I thought in my head about Momentum. It’s January 2009 and I feel like I need that next thing, that next push, that goal in mind. Yes, I want to work on the Momentum worksheet which last time, it really helped me write out my goals. Actually, I wrote down and still reflect on those 1, 2-3, 5, 10, and 20 year goal. I have to say one of the most amazing things to me is that I wrote of my desire to marry my best friend/soul mate and to start a family with an amazing man that would become a father to my children.. I am so blessed to say that I did finally meet my best friend. And I feel even more blessed that we got pregnant so easily and are expecting in June. I know that my husband will be an amazing father. So then why am I in this place in my life where I desire inspiration? Momentum? Motivation?

Again, it comes down to wanting to do something more! To do better, to be better, to live better! When I made the decision change careers from Ad sales to teaching, I didn’t want the glory of standing in front of 28 students every 90 minutes telling stories and teaching vocab. I wanted to inspire. I wanted to touch lives and to make a difference. That might sound cliché. Tonight, I feel like I needed to go back and look at those momentum goals from a few years ago and the goal of inspiring others came to mind. For my 10 year goal I also wrote that I wanted to tell the story of people that inspire. After this past semester at school, I had the fortunate opportunity to be mentored by Ryan Bretag, our Technology Coordinator and a Blogger himself. He inspired me that I could bring blogging into my classroom. After I incorporated it into my Business Law class I saw given students choice on their topics empowered and engaged them to further think and reflect. And then tonight I got the “ping”…no blogging pun intended.

Blogging is going to be a great way for me to inspire others…for anyone that will be willing to read my blog on the Internet. And I admit it, I’m not a writer. In fact I still to this day turn to my best friend from high school, Tracey to proof my papers for grad school and such. So I apologize upfront for any errors and flaws in my writing skills but I do promise great stories, hope, joy, inspiration and maybe a few tears.

Because I feel like inspiration just doesn’t come from the things you see or hear,
it could be the most little thing that makes you feel grateful,
it could be that thing that makes you feel blessed,
or it is that one person that saw the “light” in you.
So I hope to share those things that inspire and the people behind it.
Enjoy and Live Bigger.

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