Monday, November 15, 2010

A motivational visit from an Alumni

For every day that is challenging as a teacher, the day I get a visit or email from an Alumin makes it all worth it.  To know that I made some impact in a students life that they want to keep in touch means that I did my job.  I try to stress to my students that I truely care, understand and respect them.  I'm not sure if that's what brought Michael Isreal back to GBN today but he wanted to share his story with me.  He wanted to share how he's changed - and he's changed for the better.  Here's my recap of his story:

Grew up in an affluent area.  His high school experience consisted of social life #1 and school acadamics coming in dead last of his priorities.  I remember Michael as being all about the girls and not so much about the school work. He shared with me how he would hide his report card and lie about his grades to his parents. 

The lights went on!!!  He joined a fraternity and got his first leadership role which showed him that he had some natural talent.  Then he had an upper classman mentor him - showed him how to study, learn and be committed.  This mentor showed him that you get respect from doing well versus when your bad.  Michael worked hard to get accepted into a Big 10 University after a year at community college.  In talking to Michael I could tell that the phone call he made to his dad to tell him that he got in to IU was one of his best monents in life.  He now spends hours each day studying not just for college but to fullfill his life long dream. 

Michael wants to be an entreprenuer...or should I say he already is one.  He's already created a start-up online business and sold it.  He's onto his next few ventures already.  Michael's ultimate goal is to be a CEO of his own company that has a positive impact on our country.  He's currently out there networking with top executives to learn from the best of the best.  SMART.

Often I see the potential in my students.  Michael was one of them...and he heard it all the time from people - "you aren't working up to your potential".  It wasn't until he had his "moment" that the light switch turned on.  And I'm so glad it did.  I shared with Michael that many parents don't get the joy to have the story turn out positive for their kids - they must be so proud.  And so am I.  Michael - this is only the beginning. And I truely mean that because I see qualities in you (drive, passion, determination, and committment) that many famous and successful people have. Thank you for sharing your story. 

  • Change can be good.  Moving to a new environment can create new opportunities to grow.
  • Mentors - learn from people that know
  • Recognition - makes it all worth

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